I was recently reading Mo’olelo Performing Arts Company‘s Green Theater Choices Toolkit [which, by the way, is a pretty awesome resource for theater makers and… everyone else who builds things / entertains audiences / is human]. The guide rates materials on a scale of 4-to-0, 4 being ok mostly and 0 being not ok at all. Here’s what it has to say about plastics which are definitely not ok for the environment:
Yep, looks like polyvinyl chloride “sintra” plastics made the list. If you can’t read it in the screenshot, here’s the scoop:
“PVC manufacture and disposal is one of the major contributors of the production of unwanted and toxic compounds dioxins and furans. The primary intermediate chemical (vinyl chloride mono- mer) used to make PVC is a carcinogen. Both of which are highly toxic and bioaccumulte in the environment. Additives to PVC plastic can also be quite toxic. Some plasticizers used to make PVC softer are known reproductive toxins. Some PVC has toxic heavy metals, such as lead or cadmium, added as stabilizers.”
And here’s the kicker: guess what we have in stock. That’s right! Sintra!
The big stack of signage that was recently donated by PHS after being used in the Flower Show is all Sintra plastic. We think it would be really awesome to see it used for signage — and lots of other things, too! — in the Sculpture Derby.
Wait, you’re thinking, you mean you’re asking me to use a material that you just said is majorly bad for the environment? What gives?
Notice, gentle reader, that the trouble with Sintra other PVC is its “manufacture and disposal.” Sure, it would be great if less of this plastic were produced. But now that it is here, I would argue that it is our responsibility as artists and environmentalists to keep it out of the landfill as long as possible. Maybe forever! If we do so, we’re cutting its negative environmental impact IN HALF.
So — Derby Racers, use it to skin your sculptures. Derby Vendors, paint or print on the backs of these big old signs to make signs of your own! Take something troubling and put it to good use! And remember — let us know you’re building for the Derby by mentioning code words DERBY DISCOUNT at the register. 10% or more off select materials — cardboard tubes, sintra plastic sheeting… and the plastics below.
PS — Anyone want to see Plastic Paradise with me? Next time you’re in the shop, let’s talk about plastic and how we can reduce reduce reduce reuse reuse recycle it.