Halloween at The Resource Exchange is the best time of the year– handmade costumes, window decorating, parties, candy, loads of opportunities for creative reuse and so much fun– but 2020 has been a bit… different. It’s no surprise our creative community found ways to celebrate and create together while staying safe!
Erike, a regular at the re, picked up some reclaimed art + craft supplies for a mini socially distanced pumpkin patch and decorating activity at West Fairmont Park with family!
The small group found pumpkins locally at Riverwards Produce Market and instead of carving, they skipped straight to the fun and decorated the outside of the pumpkins! Reclaimed supplies from the re included brightly colored tissue paper, acrylic craft paint, googley eyes, and bulk pipe cleaners.
“Thank you again for helping us with our safe + socially distant Halloween festivities.” -Erike
With COVID-19 case numbers on the rise again, we’re so glad to see our community taking all the important steps to protect each other. Spread kindness not virus, friends!