An Evening in Shadow at The Resource Exchange!

shadow puppet workshop inside

Alison teaching shadowsLast Friday our reCreate featured artist of September, Alison Mae Hoban, hosted a shadow puppetry workshop in the store.  The fun evening included making puppets, and using them in small and large shadow stages.

shadow inside

shadow bunny elephant

shadow crabshadow tiny balloonParticipants learned how to make jointed shadow puppets out of recycled paper, junk mail, and rods.  They then discovered how to operate their puppets using simple framed shadow screens and various sources of light.  Desk lamps, head lamps, and flashlights were used for the small shadow stages, while an old overhead projector was used to cast life sized shadows of their palm sized puppets.

shadow beeshadow mermaid and fisherman


shadow dinosaur attack




Because the puppets on the projector cast such large shadows, the participants were able to interact with them using their own shadows too!

shadow big headshadow big head 2





Then they created scenery, like water, flowers, and clouds to add to the atmospheres that their shadows lived in.

shadow monkey dance

shadow puppets1The evening ended in a free form shadow session, where everyone let their puppets, and their own shadows, interact in various scenarios.  Thanks to everyone who came out and made the workshop so much fun!