Found Theater Company is a collective ensemble of theater-makers that tests the limits of bodies, music, and performance. Our mission is to take audiences on an immersive journey outside the boundaries of traditional narrative, into a world of visceral and surprising spectacles. We aim to challenge and to entertain. To find joy in getting lost.
Found has been making new works of hybrid theater as part of the Philly Fringe since 2009. A tiny collective born from Temple students, we are always working on a shoe-string budget when building the sets and props of our dream-like performances. As a company, we also try to reduce the amount of materials we put into Philadelphia’s waste stream. Reuse is one of the best ways we’ve found to solve both of these problems. We reuse fabrics and lumber from past shows, separate our recycling from our trash during strike, encourage audiences to give back their programs so that they can be used again, and when we do have to buy something “new,” we always visit The Resource Exchange first. The set of our 2014 Fringe production Deep Blue Sleep not only contained reused and recycled materials from our previous shows, but also a whole bunch of salvaged materials that we found at the re. Our next production, City of Woes, opens in September and will be sure to include reclaimed materials sourced from The Resource Exchange.
Throughout the month of July, props, set pieces, and photos of Found Theater Company’s past shows will be on display in The Resource Exchange’s reCreate Gallery along with descriptions of how the items were made from reused or recycled materials. If you visit the store you may also just get to hear some of the company’s original music, as there will be surprise pop-up music performances by the company throughout July.