Angela McQuillan is a local artist and member of the artist run collective and gallery space in North Philadelphia, Little Berlin. Angela has reused materials like fabric remnants from The Resource Exchange to make her biological inspired mixed media pieces. Burnout velvet pieces from the re can be seen in the pictured triptych “Interiors,” and also consists of elliptical mixed media based on images created by computed tomography scans. This is an imaging technique that captures multiple cross sectional views of the inside of the body and allows visualization of soft tissues and organs. “Interiors” are an abstracted recreation of a cross-section of an enclosed system, representing personal emotions and interactions. A new work by Angela, “Ornamental Viscera,” that incorporates textiles from the re in new ways could be seen at The Resource Exchange during our 2013 POST weekend. Angela has also used reclaimed materials to make accessories like the chunky scarf pictured below.