Steven Evans

I am Rust & WreckCreation (formerly StE Lampology), a Maker of things engaging, frivolous, gorgeous, and useful. I Make from what was no longer useful-enough-anymore, for someone else. Each construct is rooted in and based on items that I have rescued and ruthlessly salvaged, after thrift store binging, trash-day walking, dumpster-diving, and flea-market & stoop-sale stalking.

I started Making in October 1998 (25th Anniversary!) after purchasing two 5-gallon buckets of rusted black gas-pipe junctions and nipples. There was too much potential at stake, and I felt like I needed to save these things from the eventual trash heap. That was the first time I went into what I call my creative fugue.  I stood there for several minutes. I was staring at the buckets and constructing in my mind, while my friends were laughing at me. Thankfully, one friend recognized my fugue and suggested I be left alone for the moment…  Then, I’d made my first piece. Twenty-five years and at least a hundred pieces later, I’d say I’ve rescued, recycled, and repurposed a ton!

My style of Making is best defined as IndustriOrganic. The process is organic, and the components are of industrial origin. I combine South-Philly-Old-Lady-Lamp-Parts (lamp cores and tubes, gems & jewels, etc.) and Rusty-Stuff-from-your-Grandfather’s-Garage-and-Workshop (brake rotors, coils & springs, tools, wire, pipefittings & nipples, hardware, etc.) to create evening lamps, tables, and follies.


Each construct sparks conversation and stands witness to your stories…