DIY Screen Printing T-Shirt Kit


Out of stock


Retail: $250

Instructional DVD
Instruction manual
2 Silicone parchment sheets cut into 8
10 pack premium rite film 8.5”x11”
10 Clean up cards
16”x20” Wood screen 156 mesh
14”x14” wood platen
Light safe yellow bulb
White spray nozzles
4 disposable gloves (medium)
Emulsion Stripper (apprx 2 out of 8oz remaining)
Degreaser (apprx 4 out of 8oz remaining)
Platen adhesive 2oz
Green Galaxy pitch black ink 8oz
Red scrub pad (cut in half)
11” plastic scoop coater
WBP emulsion pint
DIY press
10” Squeegee
UV screen exposure bulb