How to [re]Build a Confessional

We were so excited to receive this piece of scenery from a locally-shot television show. Here’s Dennis, with the confessional pieces fresh from the set. The bench is in the foreground, and the large framed-out platform behind it is the base of the structure.


First, we put the base on casters. [With our constantly changing inventory, it’s important that everything in the store be able to move.] Next we added the back and central panels. They’ve been under the hands of carpenters and scenic painters; what look like paneled wood walls are really plywood, moulding, and a great woodgrain paint treatment. We then added the front archway.


Installing the side panel. Look at that gorgeous detail work!


You can see where we have yet to attach the baseboard and remaining side walls. And look at how dusty the base is — yikes!



Halfway there!


After adding the other archway and side panel, and installing the bench, it’s time to put the ceilings in. Notice how you can see through grates, and how light shines through the top?


With the ceiling panels added, it’s nice and dark inside.


Many thanks to the crew who took the time to disassemble this beautiful and interesting piece of scenery and transport it to our shop! We had a great time figuring out how it fit back together, and it makes a great addition to the shop. We love being able to give our customers a peek into the world of scenic artistry in the film business.
