Joseph Carlough is one cool paper guy. He is a writer, printer, publisher, and owner of Displaced Snail Publications, a printing outfit that publishes books written by himself as well as collaborations with other artists. He is also July’s reCreate featured Artist. He publishes books like SSED (Short Story Every Day) which is a collection of 40 stories that he wrote for 40 straight days.
Joseph’s next goal is to write a new SSED for 60 days straight that will later include illustrations and a different kind of binding. He’s also written, printed, and bound things like this books of 50 poems about the 50 states.
He makes some really cool books, but he also likes to include salvaged materials. The books below were made from leather scraps that he picked up here at the store!
Want to learn how to make your own? Joseph will be teaching a book binding workshop here at the store on Sunday, July 28th form 1pm-3pm. It’s free! Come and learn some bookbinding stitches and printing techniques. All Materials provided. Go home with your very own notebook made from salvaged materials!
RSVP by emailing us:, or on Facebook
See more Joseph Carlough! Website, Etsy Shop