Found Theater’s Spacey Reclaimed Fundraiser

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Hey, that’s me!  I’m Alison, part of The Resource Exchange staff as well as  a member Found Theater Company.  On Friday August 2nd, Found Theater Co. held  “Found Sounds in SPACE,”  a fundraiser promoting our company’s upcoming show “This is the Twilight Kingdom” that opens September 5th as part of the Philly FringeArts Festival.

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One-time events can be really wasteful. So, when organizing this fundraiser it was important to us to find the balance between decorating and creating as little waste as possible. To help solve that problem, we got a lot of the materials from the Resource Exchange instead of buying them new! The blue Christmas lights, silver balloons, circular mirrors, and spacey fabric for the tables in these pictures are all from the re.  This picture frame (with Buzz Aldrin!) that was on stage, is from the store too!

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We also had a raffle for a Bag of Space Goodies that was full of cool objects we found at The Resource Exchange! (all items pictured right)  It also included two tickets to The Philadelphia Opera Collective’s Fringe show, which will feature loads of materials from the re.DSC06078When the fundraiser was over, we donated the lights and fabric (like this awesome golden glittery makeshift table cloth) back to the Resource Exchange, so that others can use it again in the future!  We also collected reused items from our own homes to help reduce waste. Bedside lamps for intimate lighting and tin cans for candle holders.  Most importantly, glass jars for wine instead of wasteful plastic cups. Overall the event was a huge success and proved that companies can limit the amount of disposable items when organizing events.

Are you involved in an upcoming FringeArts show?  Join companies like Found and The Philadelphia Opera Collective  in reducing the amount of theatre waste by visiting The Resource Exchange.