We’re so excited that The Rad Dish, Temple University’s student-run food co-op, is officially open for business in the Ritter Annex Cafe on Temple’s main campus!
They aim to “provide access in our community to local, organic, ethical, and humane food options. Our goal is to create a diverse and collaborative environment that seeks to enrich, expand, and share ideas of health and wellness.”
They will offer local produce and dry goods from local sources like the Common Market and UNFI (the same folks who source for Whole Foods). They will also feature CSA shares through Philly Foodworks (primarily sourced from Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-Op)
*And Philly food providers large & small, take note:
These students are leading by example and setting the sustainability bar high with a zero-waste policy (including on-site compost bins and compostable food containers!)
Check out their website for more info: http://templeraddish.wordpress.com/
We were so happy to be a resource for the Rad Dish team when they were preparing for their opening celebration. The students used Resource Exchange dollar per pound fabric to make the welcome banner, doilies from the Random Room for table decoration, and an old frame and a sombrero from the re were used as props for a mock photo booth! Rad-Dish said, “Thanks so much for your help…love your store and we will definitely be back soon!”