Crosby Lyon came into the re this weekend and found sustainably sourced insulation for his small cricket farm called Cricket and Cork (follow on FB!). Cricket and Cork, Crosby says, “is right now focusing on raising crickets as a low energy and resource-efficient alternative to meat for human and pet consumption. I raise the crickets in containers housed on shelves, which I have insulated on four sides with the front covered in thick clear plastic. Inside is a heater and at least one humidifier. The smaller and more insulated the space, the less energy and water I need as inputs.”
“The foam I purchased at the Resource Exchange went to insulate one of the racks against the cold concrete. The concrete floor is much cooler than I want the enclosure to be, so covering more of it up will help limit the heating cycles. So far it seems to be making an impact. Thanks for the materials!”
You can follow Crosby’s cricket biz (order crickets from him as well?!) also on Instagram @cricketandcork.