Coffee Shop Success
A couple months back, Kathryn Sclavi came by our store to pick up some reclaimed fabric for her temporary summer long Freeshop Coffeeshop. Now that the summer's over, the project…
October 24, 2013
A couple months back, Kathryn Sclavi came by our store to pick up some reclaimed fabric for her temporary summer long Freeshop Coffeeshop. Now that the summer's over, the project…
Using old pattern scraps and an embroidery hoop, Betty made this neat collage! We have loads of collage materials in the store, like sewing patterns, National Geographics, comics, and…
Last Friday our reCreate featured artist of September, Alison Mae Hoban, hosted a shadow puppetry workshop in the store. The fun evening included making puppets, and using them in small and…